Thursday, October 20, 2011

Christmas in October, bah humbug!

By mid afternoon today I was feeling pretty peppy. I thought 'Wow. What a great day, nothing annoying me. (it doesn't happen often) Life is good'. I was in the car listening to some favorite tunes, on my way to making a purchase or two. Ouch. My head hurts. I can't figure out why but quickly realize that it started a few minutes after my entrance into the first store. Oh now I get it. It's blaring Christmas music that seems to accompany some cheap, plastic, twinkling, candy cane topped house and a train with a loud whistle circling endlessly. The sound is filling the whole huge store! Oh, and to make matters worse, shoppers were bombarded with horrid muzak too. It was the most atrocious out of date rock-n-roll that was crappy the first time around. Both sets of music were at the same high volume so they fought for hearing space in my head. . . and neither won. My head just throbbed till I thought my eyeballs would pop out. I almost wished they had just to relieve the pressure. Ohhh my heeaaaaad. It was everywhere I turned. . . I just couldn't escape it.

Guess what corporate retail companies. . . I think more people are like me than not. If you make my shopping experience pleasurable, I promise to stay longer and spend money I don't have, buying crap I don't need. Instead you get worse every year. You start earlier, and earlier, the sounds get louder and louder and fight for attention. I just leave. . no purchases, no useless crap to have to explain away or stick in the garbage or a garage sale next year. Hmmm. There is something to be said about online shopping. And the good news, I can do it in my jammies with my belly hanging out and a beer in my hand. Ya, that sounds good.

Now, I don't think I'm a big scrooge or anything but geez, it's not even Halloween and stores are playing Christmas music already. Holy Crap! Really. Let's just make us so sick of Christmas and suck every last ounce of fun out of it so by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, we want to just vomit at the sound of the word Christmas. Maybe even slap some kids for their wide eyed exuberance and expectation of fun, merriment and gifts. Or how about strangle the store greeters when they look at the floor or some passerby like they don't even care and mumble 'Merry Christmas. . . blah blah blah is on special in aisle 2'. Sheeesh. Can't we get through one holiday before the next one is jammed down our throats?

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