Bullying is such a big deal in the news these days. Why now? Why all of a sudden? Because some celebrities get on TV and say it's not cool?? Well, it's not cool and it's nothing new folks. After reconnecting with some old school mates recently, memories came rushing back from kindergarten, middle and high school days . . . of being bullied and witnessing bullying.
Bullies are annoying. What they do and how they do it is annoying. Their parents are annoying. The fact that their parents and family allow it, is really annoying. And what's up with that? The 'not my kid' attitude is sad and pathetic. You know what your kids are like. Why defend them? Because it's easier than teaching them a better way I guess. Maybe you are too damned busy trying to find the bottom of the bottle or unload a needle. Maybe you just don't give a damn about your kids and how they grow up. Maybe you're so sour and unhappy that you are afraid that your kids might amount to something and get as far away from you as possible, as soon as they can. And the poor kid who feels like they have no place or no one to turn to for help or support. What happens to them? Talk to anyone that was bullied decades ago and they will either show you their battle scars or brag about how they bullied others. We are what we learn.
So, I guess I always knew this as a kid, but as an adult it has been confirmed. . repeatedly . . . . bullies are extremely insecure people. If you dare stand up for yourself, you will pleasantly find that they will back down. They can't take it. They don't believe that you have the guts to do it. So they bully repeatedly, to beat that insecurity into you, so anytime they need an ego boost they have a proverbial punching bag around. They select their targets because they think that you won't stand up to them. They want to be big shots. Especially in front of others. They want to feel superior. In fact, they need to feel superior to others. So don't let them get away with it. You are valuable. Don't buy into what the bully is trying to get you to believe about yourself. You don't need them for validation.
Parents . . are you bullies too? I bet you are. Where do you think your kids got that crappy behavior from?? Yes, maybe some from TV, some from video games and movies, ok, but kids model their parents (or other family members) behavior whether they are conscious of it or not. They hear your prejudice talk and think it's ok to repeat. That person is too fat, too ugly, doesn't wear the cool clothes, doesn't drive the right car, doesn't blah, blah, blah. . . Well, in whose eyes? Who says that you have the right to spread that type of evil to the next generation. Check yourself. Keep your negative thoughts to yourself . . and if you have to blurt them out loud, surely don't speak these evils in front of your kids or grandkids. Let's stop the prejudice and evil. . . and ultimately the bullying.
Tho I see and hear this kind of stuff all the time, it still shocks me when it happens. Just last week I saw multiple incidents where parents were out in public bullying their own children . . . by grabbing, shaking, yelling, cursing and beating them. Wow. If only those kids could stand up for themselves. I wonder how those kids will interact with others. . . now and as they get older. Well, I think we can figure it out. Now, how do we break the cycle?
Getting back to my school chums. . . I'm happy to report that the kids that I knew were bullied have not let it stop them. Tho the pain has not gone away, nor the memories, it has made them stronger people. They have learned to stand up for themselves with pride and confidence, but wow. . . there must be a better way. . . .
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